The Community Service Committee has identified  organizations that would welcome our assistance. These include:

  • Ryan’s Case for Smiles: pillow cases for children and teens
  • Quilts For Kids: baby/young children’s quilts

For questions about our charitable activities, contact


​Ryan’s Cases for Smiles

Barbara Means, a CES member, is the organization’s coordinator for Georgia. We plan to collect pillowcases each month at the guild meeting.

Pillow Case Information

Pillow Case Instructions

Schedule of Community Sewing Events


Quilts for Kids

CES also supports  Quilts for Kids, specifically the Northeast Georgia Chapter of Quilts for Kids. Please visit their websites, especially the local one, for specific information and pattern suggestions.

If you would like to donate a quilt there are lots of free kits available or you may use your own fabrics. If you use your own fabrics, please keep in mind that the average age of the recipient is two years old.

There are several easy patterns on their website which finish in the neighborhood of 45″ long X 38″wide. The width is kept narrow so that the backing can be made from one length of fabric, since the fabric will be 42″ to 44″ wide. Amy Walsh, of Shirt Off Your Back Quilts, has kindly offered to quilt the Quilts for Kids quilts free of charge. If you plan for the quilting to be done by a long-arm quilter, please add 6” to 8” to the length of the quilt and 4” to 5” to the width.

Guidelines for Quilts for Kids

  • Everything on the quilt must be machine sewn only. The reason for this is that most of the quilts go to one hospital that insists that they wash them first in the hospital laundry. They have never heard of a gentle cycle, and these quilts are laundered frequently.
  • There is a Quilts for Kids label that must be attached (by machine) to all quilts. There is one included in every kit or one can be provided for those not using a kit. Stitch the label on the backing about 5 or 6 inches from the bottom edge and 5 or 6 inches from the side, on either the right or left side. Sew around all 4 sides of the label.
  • Even though the quilts are going to be washed when received, they ask that you also launder them before donating.

Please contact Betsy Malone by text or call 770-475-1256 to make arrangements to receive a kit or ask any questions.